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Alexandr. Geometrium дизайн интерьеров

Дизайн интерьера квартиры из натуральных материалов

Вы недавно купили квартиру и теперь вам нужно красивое оформление и функциональное обустройство?

У вас есть много идей оформления вашего жилого пространства, но вы не представляете, как объединить их в единое целое?

Либо наоборот. Перед вами голые стены и вы понятия не имеете, что с этим делать и хотите доверить проектирование профессионалам?

Вы любите удобные жилые интерьеры, где нет ничего лишнего?

Вы не располагаете свободным временем, чтобы заниматься походами по магазинам, подбором материалов и ремонтом? 

Вы любите натуральные материалы в отделке?


point (1)

Разработать концепцию-идею жилого объекта

point (2)

Подобрать натуральные материалы и экологичную мебель

point (3)

Создать все необходимые чертежи для стройки

point (4)

Сопровождать проект во время ремонта жилого объекта




Каждый из нас «болеет» современным дизайном и натуральными материалами. Мы объединились и работаем над созданием функционального и экологичного жилья для наших клиентов. 

Мы занимаемся проектированием квартир, площадью от 40-150 м2, в современном стиле, предпочтительно из экологически чистых материалов.


  • Функциональность и удобство.
  • Экологичность.
  • Эстетичность .




Бизнесмены и бизнеследи

Успешные люди, которые часто бывают заграницей и понимают, как выглядит современный дизайн. У них обычно крайне мало свободного времени и они считают, что заниматься решением задачи должен профессионал.


Современный дизайн жилых интерьеров, в котором нет ничего лишнего, где можно отдохнуть от суеты и огромного потока информации.


Семья 30 лет и старше

Часто отдыхают за границей и знают, как выглядит современный дизайн. Предпочитают покупать качественные вещи, не экономя на важном. Ведут здоровый образ жизни, правильно питаются, занимаются спортом.


Дизайн интерьера должен быть удобным и функциональным, чтобы каждому члену семьи было комфортно жить. Приоритет — качество.




Пошагавшая методика работы

Методика позволяет получить в результате интерьер и предметный дизайн жилых зданий, который нужен заказчику.


Экологически чистые материалы в проектах

Мы заботимся о том, чтобы все отделочные материалы и мебель в интерьере не выделяли вредных веществ. Мы хотим, чтобы наши клиенты дышали свежим воздухом.


Понимание строительных технологий

Мы проектируем с пониманием того, как воплотить решение в жизнь. У строителей не возникнет лишних вопросов, и вам не придется ничего переделывать, тратить лишние деньги во время ремонта.

Экономим бюджет проектов

Ищем решения, которые сэкономят деньги заказчику без потери качества.

Ведение объекта от идеи до конца ремонта

Минимизируем ваше общение со строителями. Берем на себя все заботы, связанные с ремонтом и поставкой материалов и мебели. Вы получаете готовый для жизни интерьер.

Комплектация мебелью из Индонезии

Наша студия предлагает вам уникальную возможность — создание дизайна интерьера с использованием мебели и декора из экзотических пород древесины из Индонезии.


  •  Проектирование и разработка дизайн-проектов осуществляется только в современных стилях.
  • Берем ограниченное количество проектов в месяц.


Андрей Зарафьянц

Андрей Зарафьянц

Все было сделано отлично. Особенно это понимаешь после того, как прожил несколько месяцев в реализованном интерьере. Студия смогла предложить нам интересные идеи, детали для оформления интерьера. При этом все предложенные и реализованные решения радуют нас ежедневно. Безусловно, в ходе работы у нас могли возникать разногласия (т.к. создание дизайн проекта и его реализация шли практически одновременно), но все они были решены. Общее впечатление от работы, безусловно, отличное!

Кирилл Лебедев

Кирилл Лебедев

“...Мне понравилось, что дизайнер предлагает на выбор несколько вариантов решений, внимательно относится к пожеланиям заказчика, доводит выбранные варианты до высокого качества. Алексей знает много небольших поставщиков, он способен предложить хорошие отделочные материалы, которые выгодно отличаются по цене и качеству, и которые не похожи на ширпотреб, который лежит в большом количестве в строительных гипермаркетах. .В общем, мне понравилось сотрудничество и в дальнейшем, когда мне понадобиться сделать ещё раз ремонт, я буду знать к кому обратиться.”

Александр Криволапов

Александр Криволапов

Здорово каждый день ощущать, что планировка очень продуманная и именно так, как это и должно быть. Проявляется в мелочах, но из этого и складывается комфорт. Решение с проемом, соединяющим кухню и гостиную - главная фишка - позволила вытянуть безнадёжную планировку и сделать подобие большой гостиной. Стол-столешка на кухне вообще супер! В гостиной тоже все прекрасно с шикарным диваном и проектором и большим столом рядом. Минусы - не надо было стелить массив. Дорого получилось и очень уж он капризный. Свет лучше точечный - слишком много светильников в комнатах. Отказ от ванны - спорно. Наверное, стоило бы оставить одинарную раковину и оставить ванную вместо кабинки, а, в идеале, лучше иметь и то, и другое, и отдельную постирочную с кладовкой. Спасибо за хорошую работу и терпение ;) Проектов у вас, должно быть, полно, что и неудивительно, т.к. вы большие молодцы. Продолжайте в том же духе!

Для того, чтобы дать вам четкое понимание, как происходит разработка и реализация дизайн-проекта в нашей мастерской, мы разберемся с основными этапами:


Общаясь с вами, мы собираем всю нужную информацию – ваше личное виденье, предпочтения, вкусы и образ жизни, – записываем все ваши пожелания. После чего делаем замеры объекта с точностью до пол сантиметра.

На этом этапе происходит детальная разработка комфортной для вас планировки, которую можно согласовать.



С помощью простых изображений с использованием 3D графики мы сможем вам продемонстрировать вид вашего будущего интерьера. На этом этапе мы разбираемся с геометрией.

В виде таблицы мы предлагаем вам подбор материалов отделки и мебели. С помощью этой таблицы вы сможете найти и купить необходимые товары для вашего интерьера, либо на этапе комплектации доверите это нам.



Вы увидите свой будущий интерьер в фотореалистичных 3D изображениях. Вы сможете увидеть и оценить стиль, цветовое решение, сочетание материалов, мебели и декора.

Подготавливаем набор чертежей, по которым любые профессиональные строители, не задавая лишних вопросов, реализуют ваш проект в жизнь.




Авторское сопровождение нужно, чтобы интерьер получился именно таким, как мы с вами его согласовали, чтобы минимизировать ваше общение со строителями. В АН входит контроль и консультация строителей, декорирование.

Мы берем на себя общение с поставщими, организацию доставки, прием товара на объекте. Это помогает сэкономить вам время и силы.



У нас есть проверенные подрядчики, которым мы доверяем возведение наших проектов уже не первый год. Мы работаем только с высококвалифицированными специалистами. У них есть все необходимые разрешительные документы на предоставляемые виды работ и большой опыт.


Мы предлагаем:
  • определить задачу, создать четкое видение проекта;
  • разработать идею и полный набор рабочей документации для строителей;
  • освободить вас от походов по магазинам и общением с поставщиками;
  • возможность привезти мебель из Индонезии;
  • контролировать ход работ во время ремонта, минимизируя ваше общение со строителями.





700 РУБ/М2




2100 РУБ/М2






3300 РУБ/М2








ПРИ ЗАКАЗЕ ПОЛНОГО ДИЗАЙН-ПРОЕКТА — СКИДКА 10% 3300 руб/м2 = 2970 руб/м2 

АВТОРСКОЕ СОПРОВОЖДЕНИЕ: Оплачивается помесячно от 20 000 рублей/месяц (4 выезда в месяц).


Оплачивается помесячно — 20 000 рублей/месяц (комплектация самоокупается за счет скидок).

СТРОИТЕЛЬСТВО: Ориентировочная стоимость ремонтных работ на наши проекты около 12 000 руб/м2. Для того чтобы узнать подробную информацию о строительстве — свяжитесь с нами.


Если нужно сократить сроки выполнения жилого проекта, то идет удорожание стоимости. Чтобы узнать точную стоимость для вашего объекта, свяжитесь с нами.




[email protected]


+7 (499) 350-34-76


Alexandr – Дизайн студия интерьера Geometrium




109,5 m2


a young family with a child 2 y.o.



A young family (husband, wife, son 2 y.o.) will be living in this flat. In addition, there will be living one more important family member – a cat of Russian blue breed. Our clients love him very much, that is why they pointed up on him. Our clients have their own business. As the rule, wife works from home. Their hobbies are football (husband), painting (wife) and bike riding. They like to spend evenings over a glass of wine. 


Functional tasks that should be resolved in this flat 

Our clients wanted:

  • Two bathrooms. Main with the bathroom and guests’ with the shower cabin. For placing it, we needed to change planning and increase space of water closet;
  • Cabinet at the entrance, for hanging clothes;
  • Separate dressing room with a great number of storage systems;
  • Kitchen – living room – dining room combined zone;
  • Balcony entrance at the living room;
  • Zone for work, for rest and place for painting at the balcony;
  • Bedroom with a TV set;
  • Washing machine in the main bathroom;
  • Climbing structure in the children’s room;
  • Children’s room should be suitable for future redecorating it to the teenager’s room;
  • A big wine chiller cabinet, that already exists, should be placed in the living room zone;
  • Place for a great amount of already existing technics. 

At the stage of creating planning concept, we took into consideration a building-up of the walls on 7 sm, as it was decided to do full acoustic isolation.

For implementation of combined space idea, we connected kitchen to the living room. In addition, we increased bathroom using the space of the corridor. These solutions complied with all standards, but required approval.     

We divided the corridor and living room zones by the cabinet. From one side, it functionally divides these zones, and from another, accomplishes this not so radically.    

In the bedroom, we increased sizes of existing dressing room, so it could store more things.


Finishing materials 

In the hall and kitchen, we used tile imitating natural marble. In the corridor, we used parquet planks Barlinek of CARAMEL GRANDE oak. For the walls, we used plaster for further painting reinforced with glass-fiber wrapping material to avoid cracks. In the living room, there is a big wall with concrete-imitating plaster. For the splash back of the kitchen, we used marble-imitating tile. At the entrance, there are wooden planks with build-in lamps.

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In the bedroom over the bed-head, there are soft-furniture and wooden panels, that ideally emphasize the usage of natural materials in the interior.   

In the children’s room, finishing is the same as for the whole apartment, except the floor. We did it using corks, for it to be gentler. One wall of the children’s room, where there is a TV set, we painted with magnetic paint, so it could be used for different learning games. Wall near the bed is made in the form of the niche from the parquet planks of herringbone layout.

The walls and the floor in the bathroom are finished with slate. The ceiling is covered with wood grain tile. A big mirror and the wall with the slight scuffs and grey plaster are emphasizing the interior of the room.   

Guest bathroom has the same finishing, except the wall, where there is a sink. It is tiled imitating wooden lathes, which transit to the ceiling. The ceiling in the shower cabin is made of slake mosaic.

The balcony is finished with marble-like tile. We didn’t want to spoil house front, so we left existing red-brick walls and finished slopes with the black slake. Balcony rails are finished with bilayer of gypsum plasterboard, winterized and reinforced with a glass-fiber wrapping material. The second balcony has the same finishing.


Storage systems

In the hall, on the right-hand side of the entrance, there is armoire for over clothes. Further, in the corridor there are two more cabinets for other midseason clothes. They will separate living room from the corridor.    

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From the living room-side, there is open storage for books and closed one for medicine box, etc. In this storage system, we placed already mentioned wine chiller cabinet. In the living room zone we placed a long shelf for technics and different décor.  

In the kitchen zone, bottom cabinets are designed for storing different kitchen utensils, and top ones, which last up to the ceiling, could be filled with non-essential things. In addition, an isle could be used for storage. At the small balcony, there is a small sofa with pullout storage for different things.

Near the bedroom, there is a huge dressing room. Near the one wall there is closet 2,25 m x 40 sm depth and near the second wall closet of 60 sm depth. In the bedroom, storage systems are not predicted, only balcony has hanging system.

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In the children’s room, there is deep closet of “П” letterform, 60 sm depth, that is like peculiar portal around the bed. In the first two sections on 50 centimeters there are clothes hanged on the hangers, in the top section there are rarely used things, over-the-bed sections are used for the books, toys and learning materials. Over the table, there is rolling shelf, in which different writing implements could be stored. Over the TV set, there is a cabinet for technics: CDs, PlayStation, etc.

For storage in the both sanitary conveniences, we used drawer units. Additionally, there are built-in cabinets on the right hand side of the drawer. At the bottom of the cabinet, there is washing machine and at the top, there are household detergents. Over the toilet above the installation, there is a shelf for hairdryer, opened pots and other things, that should be within reach. The storage cabinet is above. 

In the second bathroom, under the sink there is also sliding cabinet, and over it, there is cupboard with a mirror for storage of toothbrushes, cosmetics, etc. In the shower cabin we did special barely noticeable niche with shelves (that is unnoticeable even on visualizations) for convenient storage of different accessories and pots.


Clients wanted us to use several lightening schemes in the flat: general, functional and after hours. General lightening of the flat was made with the help of double lamps, which could be met in the different rooms. In the entrance room, there are wooden lathes with built-in powerful LED strip that acts like a main light.

Functional light directly illuminates necessary zones. In the living room, there are two specialized hanging lamps for illuminating such zones. Also, there is floor-lamp Hide, which is suitable for reading. Over the dinning group we did spot lightening, over the bar counter we placed levitation. In the cooking zone, lightening is represented by LED strips.

On the balcony, at the corridor and living room there are built-in lamps Centrsvet | Orbita. In the bedroom, there are hanging specialized lamps of the oval form. They are powerful enough to provide good lightening in this zone. Instead of wall lamps, we did hangers from the ceiling. In the children’s room, there are built-in lamps Centrsvet | Orbita, LED strip, wall lamp and designer deck lamp.

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In the bathrooms on the lathed ceiling for not building in lamps, we used laid-on black lamps. Additionally we used LED strip for niche’s lightening and Orbita lamp over the white box. In the other bathroom, lightening solutions are the same.

In all zones we used LED strips that could provide after-hours subdued lighting, suitable for leaving it for the night or when it is necessary to create semidarkness. Besides, it illuminates all sides of the mirrors in the flat. 

Color scheme 

Color scheme of the flat is accomplished in the light tones. We chose light color with grey tone for increasing space visually and for it not looking like a hospital. We also used such grey elements as concrete wall in the living room and cabinetry in the kitchen.

There are many black graphic elements – lamps, pillows, slate on the slopes. For the interior to stay warm and cozy, we used wood in the form of wooden lathes, panels, floor, built-in furniture. For creating mood in the children’s room, we painted one wall into yellow, while leaving others in light-grey color. In bathrooms, we used more dark colors, as clients wanted to create more intimate atmosphere there.

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In the interior, there is décor from copper and gold of mat tones. This brings statusness to it.


Almost all furniture elements are order-made. At the entrance, there are built-in storage systems, banquette, shelf for the keys and little things. In the bedroom there is freestanding hanger Calligaris Memorabilia, where you can hang your clothes, when you go to bed.

In the living room zone there is a grey sofa, golden mat table Amsterdam, dining table for 6 persons, designer chairs from faux-leather Kai, bar stools Marcel with metallic legs. It was important to foresee special complex for the cat. We placed this complex over the cooler, which was owned by our clients, and we needed to find ideal place for it.    

 Décor and textile 

For interior to look more vivid, we added color and décor into it. As the décor, we used copper and golden mat elements. We used black pictures in the frames with passé partout; there is cat statuette at the entrance and picture of cat. 

In the bedroom there is a picture without frame, over the bed there are pictures in the black frames.

In the children’s room on the wall covered with the metal spraying paint, it is placed wooden letters with metallic magnets.

Pillows of different colors and materials, carpets, coverlets, direct curtains, roman and roller curtains in the children’s room represent textile.

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The interior is well though through, so there should be any complexities. 

Project implementation period

5-6 months.  


Nasledie – Дизайн студия интерьера Geometrium




113 кв.м


young family with a child



The interior of this apartment we designed for a family with a small child. New parents are planning to give birth to one more child in the nearest future.

Functional tasks to be resolved in this space 

We were asked to:

  • combine kitchen, dining room and living room and create one big space;
  • foresee two sanitary facilities: one main and another for guests, where, in one for the guests there should be a shower cabin, while in main – bath;
  • create a separate dressing-room zone in a bedroom for the owners’ clothes;
  • divide children’s room into two zones: one for working, and another one actually for children’s room;
  • detach zone for washing room, where clients will wash, dry and iron the laundry.

This apartment had free layout. We almost didn’t deviate from the Technical Inventory Bureau plan. So we didn’t need to approve replanning. It was decided to combine living room with kitchen-dining room in a one big area. Also, we took away partition in a hall and combined it with a living room. We separated entrance zone from the kitchen with a guest sanitary facilities, for the guests, when entering the apartment, didn’t see the whole floor space. As the result, we received open big space, which is divided visually with guest sanitary conveniences.

This planning is really convenient, because it enabled us to create big space for common zones such as: living room, hall, dining room, guest sanitary facilities. And private zones such as: bedroom, children’s room, bathroom, dressing-room, washing room, which are remoted from the entrance. These zones will be used only by owners. And when the guests come, they won’t be able to enter in a private zone, as they are situated in a separate part of the apartment. This is a big advantage.

From the global replanning we combined zones of enclosed balcony and children’s room. In ex-balcony zone we placed children’s working area. We agreed this replanning with clients and the only requirement from their side was to place glass partition there.

Finishing materials

As you could possibly have mentioned, in all our project we often repeat finishing materials in different zones and add defined tones. This interior is not an exclusion. On the floor in the whole interior we used parquet planks Barlinek. This is the best option in the ratio of price-quality. And we often use it in our projects.


Apart from it, we also used ceramic granite tile imitating white marble. We used it in a guest bathroom, at the kitchen’s floor and in the hall. This technique creates effect of the united space. For example, when you open the doors of the guest sanitary conveniences, you will see that their, kitchen’s and living room’s floor is of the same material. This creates visual combining and increase of space.

The walls are made for further painting, we will use mostly grey and white colors. For the accents we used mossy color in the bedroom, in form of sage green tone accent over the bed-head. In the children’s room we used more bright colors, i.e. blue and navy colors for the walls. Herewith the part of the jamb was used for a small house, which we painted in different colors. Also for children’s room finishing we used panels over the wardrobe, as some kind of an accent.

In private zones for an accents we also used ceramic granite imitating concrete. It appears in bathroom and in children’s room working area. Again, all materials are repeated in the whole interior and also in separate elements.

Storage systems

In this interior we used storage systems at a maximum. For example, at the entrance in the hall we placed a big two-meter wardrobe. It will perform two functions: clothes storage and technical one (there will be placed electric power meter).


In the living room zone we used almost the whole wall for Pax systems from IKEA and made to order mezzanine cabinets. It resulted in a big spacious storage system, where you can hide all odd things. For example, scattered child’s toys, books or other personal things of our clients. This wardrobe is absolutely built in, it looks like a smooth wall with doors, which is limited by the partitions.

Herewith, one cabinet is of nonstandard size, so to place there Pax system from IKEA we fully laid it out. As the result we received a gap, where we couldn’t place additional wardrobe. We found the way out and left a niche there, to place a made to order shelf. In this open shelf clients will store things, that are regularly used. Also we placed Wifi router there. It might be the best place for internet distribution for both bedroom and children’s room. The router will be placed almost in the middle of the apartment, and open shelf won’t block the signal with the doors.


When you look to the kitchen, from the left side you will see a refrigerator and vertical cabinetry together with a vertical placement of appliances. We foresee two refrigerators; it was the request of our clients. They needed them to store more food, as the family spends a lot of time at the kitchen and often cooks. Also, we placed vertical cabinetry exactly from the left side to free the space for cooking zone and place horizontal cabinetry over it.

Opposite the cooking zone we placed island, where you can also cook food and communicate with family members, who are sitting in the living room or over the bar counter and waiting for a supper. In that island there are also storage systems, where a lot of dishes and flatware could be stored.


In the corner of the living room we placed fireplace imitation up built from the supporting wall edge, and placed additional cabinets over it. They are small, but you can place books and small things there.

Regarding storage systems in the children’s room we placed IKEA wardrobe there, which frames the sofa and made to order mezzanine cabinets, where the children could place their things. We foresee two wardrobes, as when the second child will be born, each of them could have one wardrobe. Also there is a shelf for books in the form of open storage system, to have open access to the books and other needed things.


The bedroom had an extended form. So we separated it’s part for a dressing room. As the result, we received comfortable space of a regular shape with a separate storage system, where a lot of clothes could be placed. We received two of two and a half-meters wardrobes – it is five meters of wardrobes from the floor to the ceiling.

In the bathroom the storage system is placed over the lavatory bowl and also over the sink in mirror cabinet. Over the bathroom there is niche for shampoos. The same niches we placed in a guest sanitary facilities. Over the lavatory bowl there is a long niche for storage of toilet paper and household chemicals. At the same time, it is a decorative element, where you can put greenery or plants.


There are several lightening scenarios in this apartment:

  • general;
  • functional;
  • decorative.


Decorative lightening is used at a maximum only in a guests and common zones. We lightened the wooden lathes, which are separating the guest zone over the sofa. Between lathes on the ceiling we placed LED profiles, which provide interesting enough luminescence. Whet the light will be turned off, they will create a decorative effect.


Also as decorative lightening we used spots – directed lamps in white niche in the living room, they create original relief of the light on the walls. Also you can direct them on a specific things and put an accent on them with the help of the light. It also creates decorative effect.

The role of decorative lightening in the bedroom is performed by table lamps. They create an intimate atmosphere and provide soft lighting over the drawers. You can turn off the rest of the lightening, leaving them turned on, to create decorative lightening.

For the general lightening we used built-in spot lamps in the whole apartment, combined in such a way, that they can provide dosed illumination or illuminate the whole interior. Their main function is to provide generallightening, especially in the children’s room. It is necessary to have more light there, as there are many activities in this room, and good lightening is really important for children.

Also the role of general lightening is performed by surface-mounted luminaire in a children’s working zone. This scenario works in such a way, that you can turn on the light over the working zone and turn off the rest oflightening.

General lightening in the bedroom is represented by profile lamps and hanging chandelier, called nimbus, that creates light circles and provides with LED lightening.


Functional lightening in a guest zone is represented by hanging chandeliers over the dining table and bar counter. In the kitchen we used LED strip light under the hanging cabinetry and surface-mounted luminaire, that provides spot light on a working area.

We used wall lamps in a children’s room for a comfortable reading before the sleep. For example, sitting on the sofa, parents will be able to read a fairytale to a smaller child, while wall lamp will illuminate this reading and create needed level of lightening. Also we placed wall lamps in the bedroom. They also could be spotted. This also could be suitable while reading.

Color scheme

We had a request to create a bright space, and we fulfilled this by using white color of the walls and light grey tones of the walls. For the accents we used navy, blue and wood colors. We often use wood in our projects, and it is the main outstanding element in the whole interior. You can notice wooden doors, tile imitating wood in the bathroom, wooden counter under the sink, wooden floor almost in the whole flat. Also wooden lathes in the living room, that create some kind of an accent. These are main colors that we used in the interior.


Also there is green color in a small amount, which appears in the plants and partly in the children’s room. The main task is to create general background in neutral tones, emphasize wood, as natural material and put color accents for interior to look lively and interestingly. As the result we used several colors: white, grey, wooden, navy accent in the children’s room, complex sage green in the bedroom and white marble effect.

Interior design items

From the interior design items, the only requirement from the client’s side was bathroom fitment Villeroy&Boch. Also, we were asked to use lamps CentrSvet and put high-quality cabinetry. We allocated budget in such a way, that we could focus on important things, while the hided elements we tried to make cheaper. For example, in the living room the wall of storage systems was done from the wardrobes PAX IKEA, also we used IKEA items in the whole interior.

For the finishing we used parquet Barlinek and tile Porcelanosa. The finishing of the tabletop of cabinetry, bar counter and island is made of ceramic granite OnTop of Laminam company. Lamps and designer furniture, such as armchair and coffee table, were bought in Cosmorelax shop. The part of the furniture we ordered according to our sketches, for example rack in the living room, TV drawer and furring.


Décor and textile 

For decor we used plants at the whole apartment and paintings in a black frame with abstraction. The black color, which is used in interior, creates the rhythm of the space. In single decor elements we used latten. It was used just a little to add dynamics and materials to the interior.


One more decorative element is a wall in the children’s room, which we stylized as a house. We picked up decor in the form of garlands and painted windows with a chalk paint inside. Also for decor we used veneer mountings, they are painted and stuck to the walls.

Regarding textile, we used curtains of beige-grey tones made of natural materials, in such way we involved minimum color in them. The curtains in the whole interior are the same. Also in textile we used grey color, for example sofa in the living room. The carpets in the children’s room combine color range of this room on a compositional level. On the carpets of the living room we used tones that are present on the curtains and sofa.


Complexities could appear with a wall between kitchen and bathroom, the construction should be worked out thoroughly, you should be accurate with dimensions. That space is really small and we decided to reduce this partition to put installation there. We worked its node point out and visualized it in construction documents, for workers not to get into a fuddle.

Also complexities could appear on the stage of bathroom storage system placement. At the place of niche for shampoos there is complex technical solution. It is essential to organize access to filters, meters, also there is a need to place a lot of bathroom fitment and try to combine everything correctly. There could be complexity for plumbers to tap the elements such as tubes, filters and plugs in one place. They should be in a free access. It could create some complexities, but with intelligent approach together with designer we will be able to find the right solution.

Complexities could also appear while hanging the drawer in the bedroom. This is elongated drawer of a small height, when it will be placed it is needed to put special embedded details on the wall. This is not easy solution to implement, so it could be hard for furniture-maker to choose the furniture and work through this solution.

It would be challenging to built-in lathes over the sofa in the living room. The best solution will be to make them from MDF and invisibly combine them with each other. It will be hard to attach them to the ceiling, it should be done in a nicely and practical way.

Project implementation period 

Project implementation period is near a half of the year, as the floor space is big enough and the project is technically complex.


Igralnaya – Дизайн студия интерьера Geometrium

The apartment with an area of 34 m2, was acquired customers for temporary residence. The owners will live in it during the repairs in the apartment, or to place their friends and relatives, sometimes flat to be used as a working space and rest.

The interior’s customers no doubt and understand that they need in choosing the style. When they approached us and show the interiors which they liked, 90% of these interiors were our projects. That was easily to understand what the customer needed. It was the scandinavian style with light-colored walls, natural materials in the decoration, elements of black and colored accents.

Designing a small area is not always easy and interesting. It was important to comfortably accommodate all the necessary functionality to 34 square meters, while retaining a sense of space and air, not cluttering apartment.


The objective was to remove this zone so that it was not in the same room with a kitchen while maintaining a sense of the whole space, we made light partition of wooden slats. It isolates the visual space, with natural light passes and is perceived easily, without narrowing the space.

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The hall has all the necessary features:

  • where it has to change and hide shoes;
  • it has a shelf where you can put your keys;
  • there is a coat rack;
  • it has a cupboard for clothes and shoes, which also posted a router, GSM and fire alarm. Cabinet Door is sliding. We have designed it so that the two sliding doors are bunched together on the principle of cabinet compartment. One, veneered door, closes the wardrobe, the second mirror closes the entrance to the bathroom.

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Customers have noted, during the survey, it is important to make the kitchen not only a place of reception and cooking, but also a relaxation area. That why, we have divided the functional kitchen where you can cook and a dining room with a sofa, where you can comfortably relax, watch TV or chat with friends.


We placed a folding round table in the dining area, to be able to get together with friends. We decided to use a large and low windowsill as additional space for rest and relaxation.

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We have arranged all the necessary cooking appliances in the kitchen area, we have arranged built-in refrigerator, we have arranged washing machine and dryer.



The living room is a place where the owners want to relax and chat with friends, watch a movie on the projector. It was necessary to place two beds: one double bed and a sofa bed, while maintaining a sense of spaciousness and empty is.

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It was taken as a basis for the idea of the podium, which can accommodate for watching movies and socializing. Inside the podium retracts a double bed which can be separated if necessary.

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The projector is projected onto a screen that slides out of the box above the cabinet.

We have placed the two-meter rack directly in front of the sitting room group, so we did a proper shape of the room, and now the room did not seem so stretched. Bio-fireplace we built in wardrobe, which gives a real flame on biofuel. This creates an atmosphere of comfort and Scandinavian country house.

viz_igralnaya (9)viz_igralnaya (9)

We chose the bags as seats that can easily be moved around the room, which is very important in the transformation of the podium in the bed.


It was necessary to place a shower, sink, heated towel rail and shelves where you can store bathroom accessories. Also, while maintaining the visual space, that was the feeling of spaciousness. The tiles is used in finishing only in the shower, and the rest — painting walls waterproof paint. This technique we often use in your projects. It works well in small rooms, where the tile with four sides will be too narrow room.

We built a rack with built-in shelves, continuing a box with racks. We achieved this feeling empty. The shell is made of a slightly rough stone, which is located on the table in teak, the entire wall niches is made of mirrors , in which hanging sink, creating the effect of floating shell in the air, and when we enter the room, visually increases the bathroom.


Balcony there is a place for rest and work. That is why we have placed on the podium there is sofa where you can relax. The catwalk also provided storage. There is the desktop on the opposite side. It is an ideal place to work, it is isolated from the living room and kitchen, and it most of natural light.

The project sketch is ready, we are preparing a working draft, in order to begin construction.



Edem – Дизайн студия интерьера Geometrium


MR, Khimki, Edem


108.6 m2


woman with children


contemporary Scandinavian

We developed the interior of the apartment for a young woman with two children: 14 y.o. boy and 2,5 y.o. girl.


Functional requirements for this apartment

The main task we had was to create two separate children’s rooms. Also, we needed to foresee a separate bedroom and two sanitary facilities: bathroom and guest’s sanitary conveniences.


We did a huge replanning in this interior. We left only supporting wall on its place and reversed kitchen and living room.

We returned living room on its previous place, and kitchen we placed according to TIB plan. Previous kitchen zone we used for children’s room for the girl and guest’s sanitary facilities. Herewith, the sanitary conveniences do not enter the living zone, according to TIB plan it is placed in the corridor and entrance territory. And also, according to this plan child’s room remains in the living zone. That why replanning didn’t require any complex approvals.

Also we foreseen a separate dressing room, which was created using space of corridor.

Finishing materials

In this project in all rooms we used parquet planks and also pocket-sized subway tile, as a classical element of Scandinavian style. Walls are made for further coating; we used different colors for each room. For emphasizing the walls, we locally used wallpapers in the entrance hall.


Storage systems

We had a task to make enough number of imperceptible and to the maximum built-in storage systems, to elude space overloading.

On the left side from the entrance we placed built-in closets Ikea Pax, that will perform both technical and storage functions. In the technical part of it, we placed electrical distribution box, water-supply counters and heating collector. In the closet opposite to entrance we placed Ikea Pax for overcoat storage.

For storage of seasonal and rarely used items we created a separate dressing room. It is in the form of a separate room and placed over opposite to the entrance closet.

In the bedroom we also placed two built-in closets Ikea Pax in the wall from the both sides from TV. Opposite, there is a children’s room for the boy, where we placed storage system by means of the sleeping zone. Notably in the niche, which we used for TV in the bedroom we built in Ikea Pax closet in the children’s room of the boy. Storage system in the children’s room of the girl is represented by a separate wardrobe.

Storage systems in the living room we placed in one line together with cabinetry. They are placed separately from the right side of the cabinetry. Visually they look like continuation of the cabinetry, as the facade is similar, but they perform function of storing things. For additional storage we also placed drawer at the entrance to the living room.

In the bathroom we have foreseen storage system in the niche over the washing machine. Near it there is a casing for boiler.

Illumination scenarios

There is no surfeit of illumination scenarios. All available are simple enough. This is contemporary interpretation of Scandinavian style classics.

General illumination is represented by built in surface-mounted luminaire and chandeliers.

For the functional illumination we used table lamps in the bedroom, wall lamp in the children’s room, directed table luminaire for function illumination, and also bar counter illumination in the living room. Over the countertop we also used functional scenario in the form of highlighting. In the guest’s sanitary facilities for the function illumination we used hanging lamp near the mirror. In the bathroom function is illuminated by laid on light over the mirror. Such highlighting is irreplaceable for morning toilet and makeup.

Decorative illumination is used locally in the living room in the form of the floor lamps from the both sides of the drawer. They provide soft illumination and help to create intimate atmosphere in the interior.


Color layout

We had the task to create interesting and mischievous interior, surroundings and color layout of which could be changed if needed. That why color layout here is various, as it was client’s requirement. For the main color and background of all rooms we used parquet planks to combine all tones, and also different tones of grey walls.

In some places we used blue color of the walls for the accents, tones of which vary from room to room. For example, in the guest’s sanitary facilities it is flashy accenting tone, as it was a task to create an effect of a separate room. In the bedroom the walls are of light-blue pastel tone without bright elements, this was the requirement of the client. In the children’s room for the boy we decided to use deep blue in combination with orange tones, which the child liked during the presentation.

In separate elements we used absolutely different colors. Terracotta tone of the wardrobe goes with green armchairs and plants, blue chairs. In such a way we put together almost all colors of the interior. Herewith, there is no color overloading; everything looks balanced by the means of warm-grey tone of the walls.

The role of accent in the hall is performed by entrance doors and wall with multicolor lines of blue, white and beige color around it.

In the children’s room for a girl we used pink tones in enough bright combinations with yellow and green tones. Everything is united by the neutral grey color of the walls.



We had a small budget for this project, that’s why we used furniture from Ikea.

The furniture from Ikea, which was used in the living room – dining room – kitchen zone: cabinetry tabletop, dining-table, armchairs, carpet, drawer.

Ikea in the children’s rooms: shelf stands, table, closet, high chair, armchair.

Also we used Ikea for closets in the whole interior.

Designer’s illumination in the interior is represented by replicas from China, lamps from Cosmorelax. Also there are replicas of bar stools in the living room and chairs in the dining room from Deephouse.


Decoration and textile

We chose decor by coloristic visualizations. In the whole apartment we placed a large number of paintings, frames, candles, vases and other small decor elements. The client likes such small details and it was important for her to create cozy atmosphere by means of them. Also decor is represented by a huge amount of plants.

Textile is neutral enough; the curtains are of neutral beige and grey tones in the whole interior. Bright elements in textile could be used only in children’s zones. Bedroom textile is of neutral pastel tones and light-blue accents.


We had complexities on measurement stage as we didn’t have an access to some elements and their sizes we needed to predict in measurement diagram. Also there are a lot of diagonal uneven surfaces and round walls, what was a complexity during taking measurements.

Also complexities could appear when placing Ikea closets. It is really important to be attentive and precise when placing partitions, so that all closets could be placed to the niches.

In the bathroom complexities could occur during installation of glass partitions for the shower, they should be placed straight on the bath. It should be done in a way that hairline joint is isolated and elements do not object one another.

Also there could be complexities with the ceiling at the entrance. As the ceiling at this place is going down heavily because of supporting girders, it is necessary to follow the dimensions to put there Ikea closet.


Project implementation period

 Project implementation period could be more than 6 months since it is needed to do global demolition and electrical works.


Art – Дизайн студия интерьера Geometrium


Krasnogorsk, Moscow Region


86,5 sq.m


young family



The client for this project is a young family. We got acquainted with them on Bali. They like to travel, go in for swimming, fitness, snowboarding and longboarding. They don’t have children yet, but they are planning to.

The guys wanted interior to be modern with some loft motives. Also there was a request to use more live plants. The apartment will be visited by friends, and sometimes they will stay overnight.


Planning concept

In this apartment planning, we did one generic space for kitchen-living room-dining room, which combined it visually with entrance room.

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We aimed to separate common and individual areas so that individual ones were isolated and almost didn’t intersect with common. For example in bedroom there are own check-room and bathroom. The flat owners would be able to use them without going to common areas.

Kitchen, living room, dining room is combined in one room. It resulted in elongated space, zoned by floor materials and ceiling heights.


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Children’s room is also an individual area. It is isolated away from entrance and has another check-room near it. There are storage room and guest bathroom in the apartment.


Interior illumination is both functional and decorative. For energy saving LED bulbs are used in all lamps.

For the general lighting, it is used built-in LED lamps across the whole interior. Functional lightening is provided by sling over the dining-table and bar and by lightening of the counter under kitchen-cupboards. Also, there is functional lightening of the table in the bedroom in the form of slings near the bed.

As well there is decorative lightening in the interior. At the walls where there is relief, for example relief tile in the bathroom, we did alcove with local lighting. When the decorative surface is highlighted from above its relief becomes more expressive.

Along with that, decorative lightening zones the elongated space of living room – kitchen – dining room. The horizontal lines of the lightening divide the room into several parts.


For the floor finishing we used natural oak parquet board. This wood color is used in the whole interior and also in customized items. For the floor finishing we used concrete style tile of light-grey tone.

Both walls and the ceiling are colored in white. One wall is accentuated by brick laying. We took the same wall area for both living room and children’s room for brick laying, for it to look real, as if one wall in the interior is left brick in a shell condition.

In the children’s room the wall over bed-head is highlighted by yellow. In this room the whole atmosphere is set up by small details and infant elements. It is easily could be transformed into teenager’s room.





Besides among finishing materials we should mention medium density fiberboards placed over the bed-head. Wood veneer is fitted to flooring as well as veneer of all ordered furniture.

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In the entrance hall, we used charcoal-gray walls to emphasize this room and separate it from the overall area of living room-kitchen-dining room. 

There are minimum frills in the bathrooms finishing. Concrete style tile in both toilet facilities, is used for the floor and the walls. In the bathroom one wall is highlighted by white relief decorative tile. Relief is illuminated by LED light, that’s why it becomes more expressive.

Color layout

The interior in the general gamma is bright. It has color, texture accents along with repeating black elements which furnish interior with a rhythm. The colors in the whole interior repeat, hence they visually combine all areas. By means of that the interior seems to be bigger. 

The color combination scheme is specified by three initial materials, they are: read loft bricks, white walls of the contemporary design and warm wooden tone on the floor and in ordered items. Other colors became accent in different rooms. Blue was used in the bedroom and living room, while yellow and azure in the children’s room.


Decoration and textile

There are few decoration elements in the flat. Decoration function is provided by plants. Also in the living room, we used flat owner hobbies theme and hanged up a surf board beyond the sofa. Interior textile is sole-colored and doesn’t attract attention. The only exception is bright pillows in the living room and coverlet in the bedroom.



The flat is unsophisticated in its execution. The only complexities may occur in framing standard storage systems in the kitchen. It is important to follow dimensions distinctly during the repairs.


Дизайн интерьера квартиры в современном стиле

Вы недавно купили квартиру и теперь вам нужно красивое оформление и функциональное обустройство?

У вас есть много идей оформления вашего жилого пространства, но вы не представляете, как объединить их в единое целое?

Либо наоборот. Перед вами голые стены и вы понятия не имеете, что с этим делать и хотите доверить проектирование профессионалам?

Вы любите удобные жилые интерьеры, где нет ничего лишнего?

Вы не располагаете свободным временем, чтобы заниматься походами по магазинам, подбором материалов и ремонтом? 


point (1)

Разработать концепцию-идею жилого объекта

point (2)

Подобрать натуральные материалы и экологичную мебель

point (3)

Создать все необходимые чертежи для стройки

point (4)

Сопровождать проект во время ремонта жилого объекта




Каждый из нас «болеет» современным дизайном и натуральными материалами. Мы объединились и работаем над созданием функционального и экологичного жилья для наших клиентов. 

Мы занимаемся проектированием квартир, площадью от 40-150 м2, в современном стиле, предпочтительно из экологически чистых материалов.


  • Функциональность и удобство.
  • Экологичность.
  • Эстетичность .




Бизнесмены и бизнеследи

Успешные люди, которые часто бывают заграницей и понимают, как выглядит современный дизайн. У них обычно крайне мало свободного времени и они считают, что заниматься решением задачи должен профессионал.


Современный дизайн жилых интерьеров, в котором нет ничего лишнего, где можно отдохнуть от суеты и огромного потока информации.


Семья 30 лет и старше

Часто отдыхают за границей и знают, как выглядит современный дизайн. Предпочитают покупать качественные вещи, не экономя на важном. Ведут здоровый образ жизни, правильно питаются, занимаются спортом.


Дизайн интерьера должен быть удобным и функциональным, чтобы каждому члену семьи было комфортно жить. Приоритет — качество.




Пошагавшая методика работы

Методика позволяет получить в результате интерьер и предметный дизайн жилых зданий, который нужен заказчику.


Экологически чистые материалы в проектах

Мы заботимся о том, чтобы все отделочные материалы и мебель в интерьере не выделяли вредных веществ. Мы хотим, чтобы наши клиенты дышали свежим воздухом.


Понимание строительных технологий

Мы проектируем с пониманием того, как воплотить решение в жизнь. У строителей не возникнет лишних вопросов, и вам не придется ничего переделывать, тратить лишние деньги во время ремонта.

Экономим бюджет проектов

Ищем решения, которые сэкономят деньги заказчику без потери качества.

Ведение объекта от идеи до конца ремонта

Минимизируем ваше общение со строителями. Берем на себя все заботы, связанные с ремонтом и поставкой материалов и мебели. Вы получаете готовый для жизни интерьер.

Комплектация мебелью из Индонезии

Наша студия предлагает вам уникальную возможность — создание дизайна интерьера с использованием мебели и декора из экзотических пород древесины из Индонезии.


  •  Проектирование и разработка дизайн-проектов осуществляется только в современных стилях.
  • Берем ограниченное количество проектов в месяц.


Андрей Зарафьянц

Андрей Зарафьянц

Все было сделано отлично. Особенно это понимаешь после того, как прожил несколько месяцев в реализованном интерьере. Студия смогла предложить нам интересные идеи, детали для оформления интерьера. При этом все предложенные и реализованные решения радуют нас ежедневно. Безусловно, в ходе работы у нас могли возникать разногласия (т.к. создание дизайн проекта и его реализация шли практически одновременно), но все они были решены. Общее впечатление от работы, безусловно, отличное!

Кирилл Лебедев

Кирилл Лебедев

“...Мне понравилось, что дизайнер предлагает на выбор несколько вариантов решений, внимательно относится к пожеланиям заказчика, доводит выбранные варианты до высокого качества. Алексей знает много небольших поставщиков, он способен предложить хорошие отделочные материалы, которые выгодно отличаются по цене и качеству, и которые не похожи на ширпотреб, который лежит в большом количестве в строительных гипермаркетах. .В общем, мне понравилось сотрудничество и в дальнейшем, когда мне понадобиться сделать ещё раз ремонт, я буду знать к кому обратиться.”

Александр Криволапов

Александр Криволапов

Здорово каждый день ощущать, что планировка очень продуманная и именно так, как это и должно быть. Проявляется в мелочах, но из этого и складывается комфорт. Решение с проемом, соединяющим кухню и гостиную - главная фишка - позволила вытянуть безнадёжную планировку и сделать подобие большой гостиной. Стол-столешка на кухне вообще супер! В гостиной тоже все прекрасно с шикарным диваном и проектором и большим столом рядом. Минусы - не надо было стелить массив. Дорого получилось и очень уж он капризный. Свет лучше точечный - слишком много светильников в комнатах. Отказ от ванны - спорно. Наверное, стоило бы оставить одинарную раковину и оставить ванную вместо кабинки, а, в идеале, лучше иметь и то, и другое, и отдельную постирочную с кладовкой. Спасибо за хорошую работу и терпение ;) Проектов у вас, должно быть, полно, что и неудивительно, т.к. вы большие молодцы. Продолжайте в том же духе!

Для того, чтобы дать вам четкое понимание, как происходит разработка и реализация дизайн-проекта в нашей мастерской, мы разберемся с основными этапами:


Общаясь с вами, мы собираем всю нужную информацию – ваше личное виденье, предпочтения, вкусы и образ жизни, – записываем все ваши пожелания. После чего делаем замеры объекта с точностью до пол сантиметра.

На этом этапе происходит детальная разработка комфортной для вас планировки, которую можно согласовать.



С помощью простых изображений с использованием 3D графики мы сможем вам продемонстрировать вид вашего будущего интерьера. На этом этапе мы разбираемся с геометрией.

В виде таблицы мы предлагаем вам подбор материалов отделки и мебели. С помощью этой таблицы вы сможете найти и купить необходимые товары для вашего интерьера, либо на этапе комплектации доверите это нам.



Вы увидите свой будущий интерьер в фотореалистичных 3D изображениях. Вы сможете увидеть и оценить стиль, цветовое решение, сочетание материалов, мебели и декора.

Подготавливаем набор чертежей, по которым любые профессиональные строители, не задавая лишних вопросов, реализуют ваш проект в жизнь.




Авторское сопровождение нужно, чтобы интерьер получился именно таким, как мы с вами его согласовали, чтобы минимизировать ваше общение со строителями. В АН входит контроль и консультация строителей, декорирование.

Мы берем на себя общение с поставщими, организацию доставки, прием товара на объекте. Это помогает сэкономить вам время и силы.



У нас есть проверенные подрядчики, которым мы доверяем возведение наших проектов уже не первый год. Мы работаем только с высококвалифицированными специалистами. У них есть все необходимые разрешительные документы на предоставляемые виды работ и большой опыт.


Мы предлагаем:
  • определить задачу, создать четкое видение проекта;
  • разработать идею и полный набор рабочей документации для строителей;
  • освободить вас от походов по магазинам и общением с поставщиками;
  • возможность привезти мебель из Индонезии;
  • контролировать ход работ во время ремонта, минимизируя ваше общение со строителями.





700 РУБ/М2




2100 РУБ/М2






3300 РУБ/М2








ПРИ ЗАКАЗЕ ПОЛНОГО ДИЗАЙН-ПРОЕКТА — СКИДКА 10% 3300 руб/м2 = 2970 руб/м2 

АВТОРСКОЕ СОПРОВОЖДЕНИЕ: Оплачивается помесячно от 20 000 рублей/месяц (4 выезда в месяц).


Оплачивается помесячно — 20 000 рублей/месяц (комплектация самоокупается за счет скидок).

СТРОИТЕЛЬСТВО: Ориентировочная стоимость ремонтных работ на наши проекты около 12 000 руб/м2. Для того чтобы узнать подробную информацию о строительстве — свяжитесь с нами.


Если нужно сократить сроки выполнения жилого проекта, то идет удорожание стоимости. Чтобы узнать точную стоимость для вашего объекта, свяжитесь с нами.




[email protected]


+7 (499) 350-34-76


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